
Leveraging Research and Work Experience​

In an era where technology acts as a strategic linchpin in the global economy, the role of innovation and technical standards is omnipresent. I advocate for the recognition of this innovation-standardization nexus for geo-politics and geo-economics. I am dedicated to demystify the comprehensive process of corporate innovation management and high-tech-related standardization efforts. I like to illuminate how technical standards serve as a critical resource for industry and states alike, facilitating a deeper understanding of the power of standards for innovation activities, corporate strategy and de-risking scenarios.

Since more than 10 years, I am continously improving my knowledge of risks deriving from diverging technical standards and about influence potential on in international technical standard-setting. Most recently, I am a Research Associate at CASSIS (Center for Advanced Security, Strategic and Integration Studies) of Bonn University and an Associate Researcher at the Chair of China Business & Economics of Würzburg University (Prof. Dr. D. Fischer).

Dr. Susann Lüdtke​

Associate Fellow — Bonn​ University (CASSIS)

Associate Researcher — Würzburg University (CCCUW)

Technical Standards Management with a System View on Risks and Influence

Deviation Risk Assessment with the Standardization Development Concept (SDC)

​“This concept serves as an indicator of the likelihood that deviating technology standards emerge as a result of a country’s technology development process. The concept suggests that progress is based on experience, on which a country can build on during the technological development process. The figure depicts the ‘standard-setting capability’ that varies between low on the left and high on the right side. It illustrates the development of the standardization system that varies between ‘rigid’ and ‘adaptive’ as (the overall) development requires an adaptive framework to enable dynamic evolvement. The concept assumes that a country seeks economic development and therefore strives for an increasingly high capability in standard-setting.” (Weithmann/Lüdtke 2023: 6-7)

Multilevel Standard Influence Model​

„This concept serves like a cooking recipe to reliably measure how standards people could influence standards based on their interest. It reliably shows the importance of the identification of the “right tar-get”, “right strategy” and the “right resources” as chosen by the in-dustry.“ (Lüdtke 2020)

Patent Analytics Consultant
& Associate Researcher

My professional background in patent data analytics allows me to dive deep into the latest standardization trends in high-tech industries. As part of my work in strategic IP management, I closely monitor and analyze key policy decisions and strategic announcements of the industry and state in China and beyond.